Some time ago, we brought you an entertaining and revealing expository on THE TOP LIES TOLD BY NIGHT READERS. Based on popular demand, we’ve gone on to prepare another interesting and helpful post on how you can avoid these potholes and maximize your study time, enjoy and excel!



24 hours is JUST ENOUGH!!! Though it seems almost impossible, one can actually fit classes, lab sessions, tutorials, private study, rest and maybe a serious relationship (or search for one) into one day. All you gotta do is study yourself (before your books) and get the perfect time for different activities, BINGO!!!

As Clemency wrote in the sequel to this post, most night “fappers” get it wrong. Though tentative, I guess one can actually come out in flying colours without staying awake all night just to read what you might end up not assimilating, depriving your brain of rest.


Dear Night Fapper, if ye must succeed, Thou shall observe to do the following:


Study Yourself: This is the most important and probably the most difficult of all the points in this post. You should be able to fit all your daily activities to their appropriate time; time to read, time to gist, time to chat, time to flirt, everything should be within a reasonable balance.


Get a nice reading plan and be consistent with it….consistency is the key. You can read for 3 hours daily and be okay, just know yourself and be consistent


Also important!! Set FEASIBLE goals when you read. It is absolutely impossible to understand a topic like CVS in a day (though lecturers can teach you in hours and make it look simple….YIMU). Just pick a subtopic and try to READ it. Step by step, you’d get there,  little drops of water… Remember you’re neither Clark Kent or Kyle XY. (Refer to TOP LIES TOLD BY NIGHT READERS for better understanding )

Don’t always be a side kick or a Follower:“My friend is going to read, I’m going too”. He/she might be at the threshold of assimilating, maybe just be waking up from a nap while you were busy gisting in the room . His neurons are very much active and when he passes and you fail then you keep asking yourself….”but we read together come??”


 That question is for the gods.


Be disciplined! Yes, when you leave the comfort of your bed to go and read, please read! Avoid distractions, keep awake and do what you came to do!


 Try not to read on Friday nights: or any other night that could be an excellent time to balance your social life with your academic life… YOU can always read all you want during the week and parts of the weekend, so make out time to do something fun. This is a good way to rejuvenate your brain to perform better.


Don’t always have this “PRESSURED” state of mind; “Yee!! Incourse is next week…. “I must jack”….Chai!!! am way behind and I must catch up by all means”. What you are actually doing is walking  a painful path to disappointment. Distinction is not a perquisite for success,   though  you must strive for it. Abi your mummy will beat you if you don’t get a distinction nih??? If that is your case…you have my sorry. If you want a D, having Hypertension is not the best way to get it.


Sleep whenever you get the chance. There are times when you are better off asleep. Like when you’re still expecting that lecturer, or that time you usually spend gisting about frivolities. If you find yourself in a non-productive gathering, and you still have to read at night, please sleep and conserve your energy.


Give your mind it’s Due:Whenever your mind tells you it doesn’t want to do anything academic….my friend, don’t force it. Pick a movie to watch…flirt, or get involved with other choice of extracurricular activity. Believe it or not, your brain is developing in the process.


Avoid drugs. It’s better and healthier for you to get enough sleep instead of stuffing yourself with caffeine, marijuana, alcohol and all sorts hoping they’ll keep you awake.


Lastly, we strongly advise you to know your limits, and preferably, IGNORE THEM!!!


By: Princegent, Ahmedino, and Clemency Green

picture below: Clemency and Princegent

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Anon says:

    this is by far,the best thing i’ve read on this blog. Thumbs up to the guys who wrote this….GBAM-est!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwwwn. #blushing… Thanks. We’ll always try to continually impress


  2. Fierceglowrrie says:

    Good talk….. thumbs up. Better still high 5


    1. Thanks much, Glo, hope you learn and change your ways


  3. Ebube Edward says:

    I love dz writeup


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